Radiological effectiveness of the use of Prussian Blue in combination with mixed cattle feed in livestock farms in the south-west rayons of the Bryansk oblast
«Radiation and Risk», 2017, vol. 26, No. 1, pp.89-99
DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2017-26-1-89-99
Gubareva O.S. – Senior Researcher, C. Sc., Biol. RIARAE, Obninsk, Russia. Contacts: Kievskoe Sh., 109 km, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249032. Tel.: 8 (484) 399-69-47; e-mail:
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Isamov N.N. – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol. RIARAE, Obninsk, Russia.
Tsygvintsev P.N. – Head of Lab., C. Sc., Biol. RIARAE, Obninsk, Russia.
Ryasna E.I. – Research Assistant. RIARAE, Obninsk, Russia.
Aleshkina E.N. – Research Assistant. RIARAE, Obninsk, Russia.
Effectiveness of Prussian Blue in livestock farms in the Bryansk oblast from 2010 to 2015 was estimated with the use of cluster analysis. The sorbent was effective for binding radionuclides in cows milk and meat during the pasture season Reduction of 137Сs level in factory farm cows may be descending or sinuous-like because the animals changed pastures during 30-60 days of follow-up, the level of herbage contamination with radiocesium in the pastures was different. Intravital dosimetry of cows muscle tissue showed that reduction of radiocesium level in milk was more pronounced than in meat. Forage, in which radiocesium content exceeds veterinary permissible levels by 1.9-3.7 times, presents a problem. High level of 137Сs in forage means that radionuclide content in livestock products, i.e. in milk and diary products, exceed hygienic permissible levels. Though radiation situation in agriculture is stable and the amount of products contaminated with radionulcides in 30 years after the Chernobyl accident reduced, Prussian Blue for reducing the content of radionuclides in cattle and livestock products will be in demand in the near future.
Key words
Cows, milk, meat, cesium-137, mixed cattle feed, dosimetry, sorbent, ferrocene, bifege, boluses.
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