The study of practical experience in the purification and protection of api-products from radioactive contamination in the period from 1986-1989 for use in modern food production

«Radiation and Risk», 2022, vol. 31, No. 4, pp.148-150

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2022-31-4-161-171


Prokhoda I.A. – Prof. of Dep., D. Sc., Agr. Contacts: 8, Bezhitskaya str., Bryansk, Russia, 241050. Tel.: +7(920)845-94-00; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Myasnikova E.N. – Associate Prof., C Sc., Tech.
Sinitsyn R.V. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Econ.
Feshenko V.V. – Associate Prof., D. Sc., Ped. Plekhanov RUE, Bryansk branch.
Bryansk Branch Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Bryansk


A large area of the Bryansk region was contaminated with radionuclides as a result of the Chernobyl accident. The article shows the boundaries and levels of radioactive contamination of bee products during this period. During the four years after the accident, from 1986 to 1989, samples of bee prod-ucts were taking in full accordance with generally accepted methods of beekeeping and radiometry. The task was to determine the degree of influence of contamination on food products such as honey, pollen, wax and propolis for further safe use in the food industry. The article analyzes the previously known ways of cleaning beekeeping products from radioactive contamination and presents the result of developing a method for neutralizing radionuclides contained in propolis and wax. It became possible to reduce the content of radionuclides in honey to the recommended level by changing the location of the apiary in such a way that there would be no contaminated soils and light forests within a radius of 2-3 km from it. The developed measures made it possible to significantly reduce the radioactive contamination of agricultural products, and in some cases completely avoid it.

Key words
bee products, honey, pollen, wax, propolis, radioactive contamination, decontamination, food industry, Bryansk region.


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Full-text article (in Russian)