«Radiation and Risk», 2004, Special Issue


1. Radiation risks estimating of oncological diseases induction with prolonged irradiation and their comparison with existing international recommendations

1.1. Criteria for the formation and main characteristics of the cohort

1.2. The method of statistical analysis of the dose-effect relationship

1.3. Descriptive analysis of accumulated medical, dosimetric and demographic information

1.4. Descriptive analysis of the dependence of cancer morbidity on factors associated with radiation dose

1.5. Results of the assessment of radiation risks in the cohort of the RF SSC - IPPE

1.6. Estimation of the parameters of the NKDAR model (the dependence of excess relative risk per unit dose) on age under irradiation

2. Identifying groups of potential risk at an individual level

2.1. Model of radiation risks UNSCEAR-94 and algorithm for calculating individual attributive risk with prolonged irradiation

2.2. Identification of groups of potential risks for personnel of the world's first nuclear power plant (SSC RF - IPPE)

2.3. Identification of potential risk groups for Leningrad NPP personnel

3. Development of basic principles for the implementation of technology for targeted medical care to personnel of nuclear industry enterprises
