Study of mortality and death causes in population of some areas in Kaluga region with a purpose of more accurate definition of data of All - Russia Medical and Dosimetric State Registry

"Radiation and Risk", 1994, vol. 4, pp.67-77


Abrosimov A.Yu., Dvinskikh N.Yu., Zagrebin V.M., Lushnikov E.F., Neborak Yu.T., Sakharova O.V., Fomin S.D., Tsodikova L.B.
Medical Radiological Research Center RAMS, Obninsk


Based on the analysis of doctor's evidences and feldsher's death reports, study was made of mortality and death causes over the 4 year time period (1989-1992) for population of 8 areas and two cities (Kirov, Lyudinovo) affected by radioactive contamination of 1 to 15 Ci/km2. The mortality from all causes in the contaminated areas, with the exception of the Zhizdrinsky rayon, has not been different from that in control ones. The mortality in the two cities of Kirov and Lyudinovo has been found to be lower that in control areas. In all the areas, of major death causes cardiovas cular diseases come first, and neoplasms, traumatism and poisoning rate second and third. Proposals have been made how to improve management of the Registry.

Key words
Mortality, causes of death, population, areas, cities, Kirov, Lyudinovo, radioactive contamination, radionuclides, diseases of the cardiovascular system, malignant tumors, injuries, poisoning.


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