Estimation of fuel and condensation components of “non-volatile” radionuclides in depositions at large distances from the Chernobyl NPP
"Radiation and Risk", 1997, Issue No.9, pp.90-94
Ermilov A.P., Ziborov A.M.
SPA “VNIIFTRI”, Mendeleyevo, Moscow region; Ministry of Emergencies of Russian Federation, Moscow
At a temperature 1500-2000 °C all Chernobyl depositions are volatile at a certain extent and "non-volatile" 141Ce, 144Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb, 239Np and others have been detected not only in the near zone of the Chernobyl NPP, but also at the distances up to several thousands km from the re- actor. Basing on these measurements an algorithm has been developed for computing of fuel and condensation components activity of "non-volatile" radionuclides with the using of gamma- emitted radionuclides measurements in samples. The analysis of the data from Gomel, Mogilev and Bryansk oblasts demonstrated, that the main input of fuel components in the activity of "non-volatile" radionuclides occurred at distances less than 200 km from the Chernobyl NPP.
Key words
Assessment, fuel and condensation components, “non-volatile” radionuclides, Chernobyl fallout, 141Ce, 144Ce, 95Zr, 95Nb, 239Np.
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