State of health of agricultural animals on the territories affected by the radioactive contamination resulting from the ChNPP accident
"Radiation and Risk", 1997, Issue No.9, pp.48-52
Isamov N.N., Kozmin G.V., Kruglikov B.P., Ivanov V.L. Grudin N.S., Shevchenko A.S., Grudina N.V., Ulyanenko L.N.,
Sarukhanov V.Ya., Sarapultsev I.A., Shevchenko T.S., Eliseyeva I.V.
Russian Institute of Agricultural Radiology and Agroecology of RAAS, Obninsk
The analysis of the radiation action on agricultural animals as a result of the ChNPP accident is presented. The state of health of agricultural animals was determined using a complex of clinico-physiological, immunological, biochemical and biophysical indices. The results of investigations are obtained for a large stock from different radioactive contaminated districts of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The occurring changes in the state of separate functional systems of the organism of animals were demonstrated to be connected mainly with radiation injury of the thyroid gland during the acute period of the accident.
Key words
Radiation exposure, farm animals, the Chernobyl accident, animal health, complex clinical, physiological, immunological, biochemical and biophysical indicators, radiation damage to the thyroid gland.
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