Automated quality control system for personal data of RNMDR
"Radiation and Risk" 1997. Vol. 10, pp.49-61
Ivanov V.K., Maksyutov M.A., Matyash V.A., Sevankaev V.A., Bubnov S.K.
Medical Radiological Research Center of RAMS, Obninsk
The automated quality control system for personal data of Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Registry is a powerful software package including a series of subsystems: syntactical control, logic control, control of migration of contingent under monitoring, compatibility of Registry data. The subsystems to control execution of protocols and epidemiologic control are being developed. The automated quality control system allows having a master database at the national level of the Registry, in which information is subjected to diverse checking and verification.
Key words
Automated control system, personal data quality, Russian National Medical and Dosimetric Register, powerful software and mathematical complex, subsystems of syntactic control, logical control, control of migration of the observed population, monitoring the execution of protocols, epidemiological control, multidimensional verification and verification of data.
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