Efficiency of thermoradiation therapy in combined treatment of locally advanced laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancers

«Radiation and Risk», 2015, vol. 24, No. 4, pp.74-86


Spivakova I.O.1 – Postgraduat Student. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Russia. Contacts: 12/1 Savinykh str., Tomsk, Russia, 634028. Tel.: +7 (3822) 41-80-62; е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
Choynzonov E.L.1,2 – Director, MD, Academician of RAS. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia.
Mukhamedov M.R.1,2 – Lead. Researcher, MD. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Siberian State Medical University, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Tomsk, Russia.
Startseva Zh.A.1 – Head of Dep., MD. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Russia.
Vasilyev N.V.1 – Senior Researcher, C. Sc., Med. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Russia.
Gribova O.V.1 – Res. Assistant, C. Sc., Med. Tomsk Cancer Research Institute, Russia.


The article presents results of combined treatment of locally advanced laryngeal and hypopharyn-eal cancers, stages III-IV (Т3N0-2M0). All patients (55) were divided into 2 groups. The patients of the group 1 (25 people) were given pre-operative thermoradiation therapy, the patients of the group 2 (30 people) were given pre-operative radiation therapy only. The follow-up period lasted 6-24 months. After pre-operative treatment partial tumor regression and growth stabilization were diagnosed in 21 (84%) and 4 (16%) patients of the group 1 respectively. In the group 2 partial tumor regression and growth stabilization were diagnosed in 18 (60%) and 12 (49%) patients respectively. Local and regional recurrences were developed in 1 patient (4%) of the group 1 in the first year of follow-up and in 11 patients of the group 2, among them 7 recurrences were diagnosed in the first year and 4 – in the second year of the follow-up. Two-year overall survival was 100% in the group 1 and 76.7±10.1% – in the group 2. Disease-free survival was 96.6±.5% and 63.3±13.9% respectively.

Key words
laryngeal cancer, hypopharyngeal cancer, neoadjuvant radiation therapy, thermoradiation therapy, organ-sparing operations, therapeutic pathomorphosis, treatment efficiency, survival, recurrences, combined treatment.


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