Change in the mass of the terrestrial mollusk F. fruticum M. of two age groups after gama-irradiation

«Radiation and Risk», 2023, vol. 32, No. 4, pp.134-146

DOI: 10.21870/0131-3878-2023-32-4-134-146


Cherkasova E.E. – Teacher
Synzynys B.I. – Prof., D. Sc., Biol.
Mirzeabasov O.A. – Associate Prof., C. Sc., Tech. IATE MEPhI.
Lavrentyeva G.V. – Head of Dep., D. Sc., Biol. BMSTU. Contacts: 2, Bazhenova str., Kaluga, Kaluga region, Russia, 248000. Tel.: +7 961 122 71 06; e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .
1 Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering, Obninsk
2 Bauman Moscow State Technical University (Kaluga Branch), Kaluga


There is a problem of a shortage of scientific data on radiation-induced effects in representatives of biota in connection with the expansion of the principles of the anthropocentric strategy of radiation protection. At the same time, international organizations on radiation protection issues support the initiative to study the effects of ionizing radiation not only on reference organisms, but also on other representatives of the biota. The purpose of this work is to study the effect of acute gama-irradiation on the biomass of the terrestrial mollusk F. fruticum M. two age groups to expand databases on radio-induced effects of biota. Mollusks are widely used in biological control of radioactive contamination, and the change in the mass of mollusks can be interpreted as a relevant indicator of "morbidity". The age of the mollusks was determined by the number of turns of the shell. Irradiation of mollusks was carried out in the range from 10 to 300 Gy in increments of 10 Gy. The study of the biomass index was carried out for 210 days after irradiation. The obtained results of a laboratory study for mollusks of the second and third age groups are part of an experiment aimed at identifying the features of radio sensitivity of representatives of terrestrial malacofauna. Throughout the experiment, in the control group (non-irradiated individuals), the dynamics of the mass of mollusks, characteristic of seasonal changes in natural conditions, is noted. At the same time, the absolute survival of animals in selected laboratory conditions is observed. Dose ranges with different manifestations of changes in the mass of mollusks were revealed. Radiation doses less than 100 Gy (second group) and 120 Gy (third group) do not induce a change in the studied indicator. Irradiation with doses of 110-150 Gy and 130-150 Gy initiates a decrease in the mass of mollusks of the second and third groups, respectively, during suspended animation. In the dose ranges of more than 150 Gy, a more complex dynamics of changes in the indicator was established depending on the time after irradiation and on the age group of mollusks. It is due to the peculiarities of the manifestation of radio sensitivity in animals of different ages.

Key words
terrestrial mollusk, gama-irradiation, acute irradiation, biomass, laboratory experiment, mortality, age groups, relevant indicator, radiation-induced effect, radiosensitivity.


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